The "BUILDER" program

Earlier this month I completed and shipped two identical actions for two clients in Pennsylvania who are about to embark on building a pair of custom rifles. It was clear from talking to the buyers that they were close friends and it's hard to imagine a better way for them to spend some time together between now and fall, than piecing together two beautiful custom rifles. I would estimate half of the business which comes through is of this nature - from clients who are working on custom rifle projects.

Building out a custom rifle on a pre-64 model 70 action is still the best recipe I know for creating a world-class rifle. Don't misunderstand me, I am a huge fan of the original pre-64 model 70. However, for the abuse and weather that comes with most hunting, I far prefer the lighter weight and greater durability of a composite stock, not to mention the accuracy of a hand-lapped, match-grade barrel. Even if I were willing to carry an original pre-64 Winchester into the woods and weather, a custom rifle can deliver durability and accuracy the original model 70 cannot.

Here's a gratuitous shot of my elk rifle, taken this winter at the start of elk season, high in the Cascade range of Washington state. It is built on a 1955 standard action, with a Lilja barrel and McMillan stock. We finished the hunt this year in a blizzard, where the stainless barrel and composite stock on this rifle granted me guilt-free hunting, despite the conditions.

Beyond the quality of the rifle you end up with, building a custom rifle is a personally rewarding experience. Builders gain knowledge and a pride in their rifle that can't be substituted by buying the finest of rifles off the rack. Considering the twin actions I shipped out this morning, it occurs to me that a custom rifle project is also a fantastic way to invest in a friendship.

My middle daughter Amanda recently began helping us in the shop at If you've purchase parts from us in the past couple months, it's almost certain they've passed through Amanda's hands. Recently, Amanda has begun setting selected parts aside, saying "I want this one to go into my rifle". Apparently she has caught the builder bug! As a dad who loves his daughter and who loves the model 70, I'm more than pleased at the prospect of taking on a custom rifle project with her. And we're happy to help you with your custom project as well. We have the parts you need. We also offer expert advice and can provide world-class gunsmithing services to help you get your custom project done right.

The nature of a custom build typically involves starting with a "donor" rifle to acquire the action, or purchasing a large quantity of parts from which to build out a rifle. For builders taking this latter approach, is pleased to announce a special discount to help offset the costs associated with embarking on a custom rifle build. This "builder discount" offers a one-time 15% discount for qualifying orders which include the essentials of a custom build - a receiver and a bolt.


If you'd like to take advantage of our builder discount, simply use the discount code "BUILDER" at checkout for any order that includes a receiver and a bolt. We'll knock 15% off your order and you'll be well on your way toward the owning the rifle of your dreams. If you have questions about how to get started, shoot us a note though the website and we'll be glad to help you get your next project underway.

Best regards from all of us at,



  • Justin

    Hi Dan.

    You have great taste in receivers – that’s a really pretty one, and the good news is it will work perfectly for the .35 Whelen. I will shoot you an email and we’ll get started on planning your build. Looking forward to it!


  • dan granken

    Hi I’m looking into building a 35 whelen. I see a receiver 527894 mfg in 1961, same year and first three digits are my birth date. Thought that would be a cool place to start in a builder program. Would this receiver work for my caliber?
    Thanks Dan

  • Justin Hale


    Either of the pre-64 magnum receivers will work for the .300 RUM. The short magnum receiver would actually work best.

    The key measurement to figure this out is the length of the unfired cartridge you want to use. The standard (non-magnum) and short magnum receivers can eject an unfired cartridge up to a maximum lenth of about 3.35" . The H&H rounds were too long for this, so the top opening in the H&H receiver is about 0.25" longer than on other pre-64 receivers. The H&H magazine box is also longer, which means shorter cartridges tend to migrate forward and back in all the extra magazine length.

    So the short story is that an H&H receiver will work for you, but with a lot of extra clearance in the top and bottom. A short magnum action would probably work a bit better.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your project!


  • Mike

    I have a opportunity to buy a Pre64’ model 70 in 300HH Mag. Can I use this receiver to build a 300RUM ? . This would be my 1st custom build, I would like using the Lilja/ McMillan combo. I am a fairly accomplished home garage mechanic but have never accomplished a build like this, is there a gun smith book that you suggest ? Thanks for the help

  • Steve lambert

    Rec’d my barrel, very nice and fast. Thank you

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